Southern Indiana Wildflower Walks

Yellow Trout-Lily: Erythronium americanum
photographed in Owen County

The trout lily has an appearance similar to the trillium - which is also in the lily family and also grows in woodlands throughout Indiana. Like the trillium, the leaves have mottled coloring, but have only two leaves instead of three. There is also a white trout lily which is called the Dogtooth violet. Never pick a trout-lily - if the flower and two leaves are picked the plant will die. Native Americans ate the bulbs of this flower raw, boiled and roasted. Small, burrowing woodland animals also enjoy the bulbs.

All Feature Articles, artwork and photographs ©2001 by Dervish Design. Some information on the 'County Info' pages is taken directly from brochures published by Visitors Bureaus and Chambers of Commerce.