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Focus on Tell City

Because of their close ties with Switzerland, Tell City was named after the Swiss folk hero William Tell. In the 13th century the Swiss were ruled by a feudal system. An Austrian nobleman’s hat was hung on a pole, and the Swiss people were told to bow to the hat. William Tell refused to do this, and as punishment, he was forced to shoot an apple off his son’s head with a bow an arrow. Being an excellent marksman, he was able to shoot the arrow through the apple, not harming his son. The legend of William Tell represents a statement of freedom for the Swiss.

The statue in front of the Perry County courthouse is a rendition of the original statue in Altdorf, Switzerland.

The Flood Wall Mural in Sunset Park tells the history of Tell City, featuring important industries and events. The mural took three years to create, and was finished in 1994. The mural was conceived by Pat Jarboe, then president of the Perry County Arts Commission. It was sketched on paper by Mona Sitzman and Lynn Dauby, and transferred to the wall by Jeff Kast. Volunteers and citizens painted the mural.

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All Feature Articles, artwork and photographs ©1999 by Dervish Design. Some information on the 'County Info' pages is taken directly from brochures published by Visitors Bureaus and Chambers of Commerce.