Focus on Angel Mounds State Historic Site

Angel Mounds State Historic Site is the actual site of a prehistoric walled town. Excavation shows that the town was surrounded on three sides by a wall 6,300 feet long, which served as a fortress. There was an entrance on the south. The wall had bastions every 120 feet, which is thought to be the range of bows in that day. This provided a defense for the entire town.

Reconstructed buildings at the site represent corncribs, drying racks, shelters and houses. This town was probably inhabited for around 250 years.
Some mounds have been excavated, while others remain undisturbed today. Only rarely were they used as burial grounds. Most were platforms for important buildings or temples.
Between 1400 and 1450, the Angel Mounds Indians left for reasons that remain unknown, as archaeologists have found no signs of war or epidemics. For more information call 812-853-3956.

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